TOP 5 Social Networking Sites

5e1a9fea1c013ae50be731ce432836b8 We have all definitely observed the decrease of communication on Twitter, and how the service has ended up being in some ways a little shortened of what it was a few years ago. Twitter lost out a lot of site visitors the moment they started to deal around the manner that retweets work. The manner in which the direct messages are not working properly is also a major cause in the decline of the service. It seems that it’s not sure if the redesign of the website has been really all that well received either because numerous users whine about it since it was released.

82677193c2f20f756f5e15a8a27cd332Singling out just Twitter would not be reasonable really. These types of annoyances are experienced throughout the panel of the social networking services. Facebook, Pinterest and of course LinkedIn are always protested against when they release something new. Generally the fuss decreases after a while, and users start to be aware of the complex nature of things that the new work may really be able to provide for them.

Exactly how do you deal with selecting these kinds of services to find the ideal way to f52b0dfc9b7dc1acd84861d5468ba7f1communicate and engage? One way could be to truly check out the stats of the users and obtain an effective plan. In case you want your interaction, sharing and involvement to affect exactly what you do, utilizing an active duty is important to your prosperity. GO-Gulf looked a little deeper at it and organized a pretty straight forward and quite useful infographic called User Activity Comparison Of Social Networking Sites.(You can see this infographic at the end of our article)

4d71f77ee95585ea4dfb1168e15f0318It’s exactly what the title suggests. It’s an evaluation of the most popular social networking sites, and what they have to offer as far as user activity. As all of us may have guessed, Facebook is the number one leader of the group, but the 2nd place is actually grabbed by the novice Pinterest. Facebook users spend about 405 minutes on the service each month, while Pinterest effectively ties that having an equal 405 minutes.

Maybe this is why Pinterest has gotten such an unearthly step to the very top. It’s safe to say that c284f9354b3a7460d8d811dfd32114f1Pinterest appears like it will certainly stay around for a pretty number of years. That is much due to the streamlined way the user interface draws the user in. It’s quickly obsessive, and it seems that spending a lot of time on Pinterest actually increases your inspiration across the board. What is willing to occur to Twitter is anybody’s guess. Maybe it’s time for its users to say what they feel and think, and so they will behave to renew the service back to exactly what it once was.


Did you figure this out?

leet-speak-humorPeople are actually most likely familiar with numbers being used for implicate characters, expressions or also symbols. In SMS (texting) shortcuts, for example, 2 can similarly be used for “to”, 4 can mean “for” and the 8 spells “eat” in gr8, indicating great. This particular is known as SMSish or textese or just SMS language.

Whenever digits instead of characters are applied to spell an entire word it is knowned as leet— which, in leet, is noted as 1337. Another good example is definitely n00b, a term for newbie. And so forth.



Leet came from in the 1980s in broadcast chat services and on publication boards. When you look on it for the first occasion it may seem tough to understand however you’ll be surprised how fast you will catch it.



Train your intellect with this example of leet:

Happy you caught this! As you have probably observed, you can also put together the utilization of leet, textese and usual spelling or even morph it.

The evolution of cell phones. Planet’s first Android telephone

Phones have really come a long way since Innocenzo Manzetti played over having the technique of a “talking telegraph” in 1844. Innovation of the landline telephone came in leaps and bounds but it is the mobile phone that truly caught a global audience.

evolution1The very first cell phone was created by Bell System for utilization in cars only, launched in 1946 on their Mobile Telephone Service in St. Louis, Missouri. The first phone call on a portable mobile phone was generated on April, 3 1973 by Motorola’s Martin Cooper to his competitor, Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. Nicknamed “the brick”. The first cell phone weighed 2 lb (0,9 kg) and was priced at $3,995.

Along with most innovations, it takes a while till a product reaches an acceptable price factor for both parts, meaning the developer and the customer. Earlier, mobile networks were irregular and phones were expensive, bulky and less than eye-catching.

Once the 1G network released in 1983, the mobile phones were still extremely big for comfort and endured small battery life. By the time 2G was introduced, in 1991, the phones were actually1G-2G-3G-4G-The-evolution-of-wireless-generations much better, and the first smartphones were launched. However this was actually only after 2001, once 3G cellular modern technology was released, that the mobile phone market truly took off. Networks were really faster and mobile phones were smaller and cheaper. The entry-level Nokia 1100, released in 2003, was popped up 1 million times a week to inevitably become the world’s most preferred mobile phone with above 200 million units sold off. By 2011, Apple had certainly sold more than 100 million iPhone smartphones.

Introducing Android -> a clever move

White-Android-Wallpaper-Android Inc. was founded in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White. Google purchased it in 2005 and the Linux-based Android operating system was revealed in 2007. The other parts– as the Google history in itself– is an impressive part of history. Users loved Android.

By 2012, Android enjoyed 1.5 million account activations each day. Presently there are almost a billion Android apps accessible. Some of these 25 billion apps have been downloaded directly from the Android app site, Google Play.

Planet’s first Android telephone

By 2013, mobile phones have actually replaced watches and cameras.

Lots of users have more than one phone or mobile device, resulting to even more than 6 billion mobile registrations worldwide, almost 50% of these being smartphone registrations. Android is chosen on 75 % of all those smartphones in function.

htc-dreamBut do you remember the very first mobile phone to operate on Android?

The world’s first Android telephone was the HTC Dream; it appeared to the market place in Oct 2008 as the T-Mobile G1 in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and, when signing a two-year service contract, sold for $179.

TESSERACT is a web integrated company which creates personalized mobile apps using latest cloud and mobile technologies.

Here are the most used apps in 2014! Which one is your favourite?

9ec773f421cafc235d4b8866472407d9More than three quarters (82%) of world wide web users aged between 16 and 64 years old, now use a Facebook account, analyzes coming from GlobalWebIndex, but still there is a 6% decrease in active utilization.

The GlobalWebIndex Social Q2 2014 research study found that messaging services was definitely th1e biggest boom, along with Snapchat seeing a 67% increase in its own user base, while WhatsApp has found a 30% boost and has now overtaken Facebook’s specific Messenger option, to become the 3rd most popular social app worldwide.

Image sharing sites have definitely marked an increase,too : Instagram has seen a 25% increase in active site visitor numbers in the past six months, while Tumblr has seen a 22% boost, and Pinterest an increase of 7%.2

The GlobalWebIndex study identified that Tumblr and Instagram have the youngest site visitor bases, having 76% and 74% of their active individuals coming through the 16-34 age group, each.

In addition to YouTube, these are also the only platforms where 16-24s form the biggest share of active site visitors.

The causes that teenagers switch to these apps, as well as text message apps similar to Snapchat, WeChat and WhatsApp, are uncomplicated, Jason Mander, head of trends at GlobalWebIndex, believes: “They’re simple, largely ad-free and are seen as being much more confidential.”

The research found that LinkedIn and Facebook come with the oldest visitors, with only 52% and 55% of their active users come from the 16-34 group of people.

3Mander said: “As a media industry, Facebook is on very top of its own market: it manages the fastest rising network in the form of Instagram, it’s growing its profits and it has been addressing changing user trends with smart investments and product innovations– such as anonymous logins and the separation of Facebook Messenger on smartphone. But although people are still checking out Facebook, they’re utilizing it for fewer things– viewing it much more as a place to watch their newsfeed and see content collated from across the web and much less as a place to interact with their friends.”.

For the top 10 actions on Facebook, viewers are growing via mobiles and tablets but holding constant via PCs and laptops, with more using mobile phone to comment on posts, message buddies or watch online video clips.

During the last year, the percentage of internet users accessing social networks through a 4mobile phone increased to 38%– a 5% boost.

The GlobalWebIndex team interviewed 170,000 users in 32 states, representing 89% of the worldwide internet community.

At TESSERACT we create personalized mobile applications for IOS and Android. Our apps use latest cloud and mobile technologies, we work on the newest platforms and we know how to communicate on a constantly moving market.

Webpages can help you develop your business.

There’s nothing new here! You get a much more considerable and useful audience to present your products or services using a website rather than publishing ads in a regular printed media.

Now, every busi3a3bee19145c75fe921e1863e3dc4dbaness needs a website as in the days gone by they required a phone line. There is no way you can survive without having a presence on the web. Think about it, and you will figure out that is really necessary !

A website has no geographic limit. It is like getting a very dynamic, well organized sales force easily.

Fun to read and abundant content , is the key to success.

In order to take full advantage of these great new tools you will really need to know how they operate and learn to use them correctly. The abundant information of your website is the key to its growth. Your online consumers are curious about your products and services and the webpage should be prepared to provide all this info.

Don’t just list your goods and services there. It is necessary to provide all types of specifics, show pictures and have a page where your website visitors are allowed to leave their feedback, ask questions, etc. A strong and sparkling web page will perform as a connection between the client and your product lines. No other means of enterprise promo will provide your company this level of interactivity with future consumers.3d illustration of text 'web' with wrench and nuts

The company that will design your website should really give a precise plan about the necessary structure needed to manage the content of your new website in the beginning of the project and how this structure can expand over the years. Keep in attention that your web page will certainly never be finished but should be frequently managed and methodically improved. The website is your company in the online market. If you update your business’s portfolio you must not neglect to improve your website as soon as possible.

The web page should be organized to take in and expose all those products developments to the visitors. If you offer general assistance, the website is definitely the ideal method to display the new tools and techniques that your company developed. Much better to serve the customers you actually have and to attract all new ones!

Taking measurement of the benefits and increasing performance

Make no error: Competition on the Net has dramatically boosted in the latest years and the quality of the content of a site is as essential as its looks. If you own a shop or a bureau, you most probably keep an eye on your competitors and always make the effort to offer a differentiated product line or service to your customers. The Internet functions the exact same technique.

d8cfa9433c86377e9f8a855e4617bfadIt is considerably less complicated to adopt new techniques for advertising while working with a website than to upgrade flyers, brochures and advertisements you currently have printed. To find out whether adjustments are required, you need to know your opponent and your visitors and always review the performance of your site.

The company that will develop and manage your site must be competent to help you with these technical tasks. Find your place on the Web now! Reach the potential of the online network. Realize the amount of involvement required to make your web page project effective. In short, all the financial commitment in a well developed, continuously upgraded site will bring you excellent results.

At TESSERACT, we strive to help you develop your business popularity on the web and also give you the occasion to increase your profits.

Technology makes your life easier

Each year, millions of new users practice software for the 1st time. Thanks to the extending world wide web, smartphones and user-friendly devices, millions of users are touching and using software for the very first time. On the other hand, current users of software are accommodating software in methods that generate them in fact, more reliable (performance software, home supervising software) and raising the awareness about themselves that is improving their quality of life.

While developing people’s lives, software might also cause dependency. There may be a day soon where individuals can not live without software assist. We cannot say that people are dependent on technology, because they use their technology and gadgets for lots of useful things such as keeping up with news, emailing people for connecting and working, and having a complete officework every day. Also technology can be represented by many other things. For example cars and planes are also technology but we don’t say that we are dependent on it.i_love_google

Nowadays when anyone wants to know something, their brain instantly jumps to Google. Communication keeps us in contact with everyone around the world. Without it society would have some serious problems to deal with. Even with all that, with a good mental training, one can rely on technology and also still retain good mental health. It depends on how aware you are of your actions.gadgets_sf1

When software operates, turns on, completes what it is supposed to do, is precise and very useful, is easy to learn and adapts to user context, it is a pleasure to use.

TESSERACT wants to make your life easier by developing software and constantly being aware of technological information.

The most common 10 health problems for IT workers

As you may know here at TESSERACT we do our best to make sure that the software development services that we offer to our clients are the greatest, and for this our team invests a lot of quality time doing their job as well as possible.

Within monitoring networks, configuring applications, and managing technology jobs, IT experts spend massive amounts of time in front of the pc screen. And because IT emergency situations can happen at any time, employees often have to check IT systems away from regular business hours. Over time, extended periods at the computer can take a toll on your health.

Right here are generally 10 common health-related troubles for IT employees and ways you can prevent them.

Deep-vein thrombosis is the accumulation of vital fluid coalescences, which can travel to the brain and lungs, causing strokes, pulmonary coagulations, and other urgent health conditions. The term Thrombosis was recently coined, referring to the long hrs and desk-bound way of life of many computer users and IT service providers. Extended inactive periods can lead to these dangerous vein clots to create.thrombosis
Advice: If you have a tendency to spend long time periods sitting at a work desk, routinely stand up to get a quick break– at the very least every single hr or so. Also a quick walk to the restroom or drink fountain can acquire your blood flowing and prevent coagulums. You may also wish to consider investing in a standing up workdesk.

Studies have presented an improved risk of heart health problem among those many people who spend almost all of their times being seated. According to NPR, a 2010 study discovered that ”males who reported more than 23 hrs a week of inactive activity got a 64 per-cent higher possibility of dying from heart disease than those people who reported less than 11 hrs a week of desk-bound activity.” For IT specialists who invest most of their time sitting in front of a computer, this should sound an alarm.

3380-heart1Advice: Bring in the routine of taking regular quick breaks to get your legs moving for a couple of moments. Some researches have revealed that regular breaks each 15 minutes or so will help. You can likewise get in the behavior of working on simple workouts whenever you’re reading something and not networking with a computer system.

In addition to thrombosis and heart disease, recent clinical research has identified a link between physical lack of exercise and certain cancers, especially breast and colon cancer.
Advice: Preserving healthy practices is important; cancer researches have identified that just 30 minutes of moderate workout per day can help to keep your health and wellness and help ward off several cancers. In addition, cancer screening can save lives. If you’re an IT professional who spends a lot of time in a chair, seek advice from your doctor about your way of life habits and discuss evaluating options.

A common concern among computer users, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the primary nerve in the wrist becomes compressed after continual physical tension. The condition starts gradually, with symptoms such as burning or tingling in the hand, but it can eventually lead to serious discomfort and decreased wrist flexibility.

carpalAdvice: Consistently stretching your arms can serve to help fight early symptoms, but it’s particularly essential to make sure your workstation is ergonomically correct. You must be 2 feet away from your monitor, with the top of the viewing area at eye level. Whenever writing, keep your hands straight, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle.

Most people get the vitamin D they need by using sun exposure. But if you’re in a northern environment and you invest most of your time inside taking care of IT concerns, you may not be obtaining the vitamin D you really need. Vitamin D insufficiency has been linked to a selection of health problems, including bone illness, numerous sclerosis, and certain cancers.7a

Advice: In addition to taking normal quick walks outside or taking a daily multivitamin pill, you can get supplement D through your diet. For example, eating fortified cereals and oily fish just like salmon and tuna can help keep your vitamin D level standard.

toxicRecent research studies have revealed that most key pads and cell phones are teeming with bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition to spreading out cold and flu bugs, dirty tech devices can lead to staph and other significant infections.

Advice: Regularly cleaning your key-board and other desk surfaces with an antibacterial wipe will help prevent bacterial diseases. If you spend a lot of time period working at other individuals’ machines, keep a bottle of hand sanitizer around. If you have a tendency to eat lunch time or snack foods while working, be sure to maintain your hands clean.

Lately, British experts found out a link between computer usage and depression. IT workers generally handle crises and disaster recuperation, which can be incredibly stressful. In addition to inducing mood swings and anxiety, recurring stress can lead to a multitude of physical symptoms.nerven-beruhigen-600px-600px

Advice: Limiting computer use, particularly time on the Internet, during non-work hrs can help you avoid depression. Consult your doctor if you go through symptoms such as extended tiredness and disinterest in things you usually enjoy. For stress and anxiety, workout is an effective way to safely burn off steam. Calming forms of workout, including yoga and tai chi, can be especially helpful for stress reduction. Breathing methods, meditation, and relaxation techniques can also help calm your body and mind.

Many IT employees use their electronic gadgets late into the evening. But looking at a lighted screen before bedtime can limit the body’s production of melatonin, a hormonal agent that helps you fall asleep. Chronic sleeplessness can lead to other health and wellness issues.

insomniaAdvice: Consider changing your electronic gadgets off an hour or half-hour just before going to rest. Dim the lights and read a book to help get ready your body system for rest.

Slouching in an office seat for many hours at a time can cause major aches and pains, even more so in the lower back. Over time, bad posture can completely damage the spinal structure, leading to serious, chronic pain.
Woman Working With a Sore Back
Advice: To avoid lower back pain, pay frequent consideration to your posture. Placing a lumbar support pillow behind your lower back can help. Even using a rolled towel or thin wedge pillow behind your lower back can improve support. Likewise, be sure to remove any items from your back pockets to avoid creating pressure points and an awkward spinal column angle.

neckpainNormal computer usage can lead to neck tension, usually due to incorrectly adjusted displays. The habit of tucking a mobile phone between your ear and shoulder for extended periods of time can also lead to stiff neck muscular tissues and cramps. Also, looking at the computer screen or your mobile device display for hours can lead to eye pressure and headaches.

Advice: For the neck and throat pain, adjust your chair and display so that the screen is at eye level and your neck is not moved while you do the job. If you’re working with a notebook, you can place books or some other sturdy support under it to get it at the proper sight level.For eye strain, the Mayo Clinic recommends following the 20/20/20 rule: after 20 minutes of pc work, look at an item about 20 feets away for about 20 seconds. You should also check with your eye specialist to make sure your glasses or contacts are improved for computer work.

Have you ever been curious to see where all your online data goes?

   Here we present you some pictures of the most important internet data centers arround the world.

   As you may know, a data center is constantly used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression) and various security devices. Imagine that Internet data centres are industrial scale operations using as much electricity as a small town.

google data centre 2

Google Data Center

   A data center will occupy one area of a building, one or many floors, or an entire building. Communications in datacenters nowadays are most frequently supported networks running the IP protocol suite. Data centers contain a group of routers and switches that transport traffic between the servers and to the outside world.

microsoft data centre

Microsoft Data Center


   Some of the servers at the data center are used for running the essential internet and intranet services required by internal users within the organization, e.g., e-mail servers, proxy servers, and DNS servers.

   The main purpose of a data center is running the applications that handle the core business and operational data of the organization.

Facebook Data Center

Facebook Data Center

   The boom of data centers came throughout the dot-com bubble. Corporations required quick connectivity property and non-stop operation to deploy systems and establish a presence on the net. Putting in such instrumentation wasn’t viable for several smaller corporations. Some corporations started building terribly massive facilities, known as web data centers, which give businesses with a spread of solutions for systems preparation and operation.

   As far as we can see the internet is essential for your business to grow. Exceptional business need exceptional websites to create exceptional experiences. TESSERACT is the utmost IT Company located in Bucharest, Romania, constantly dreaming technological inovation, and constantly making dreams become reality.

These images are courtesy of: Sciencegeek100