FIFA ’15 – New Feature Details

 FIFA 15 – Emotional Intelligence

With over 600 brand-new emotional reactions, team players now respond to big moments on the pitch as they would in real daily life. Each and every team player has an attitude or feeling towards every teammate and opponent on the pitch. Bad tackles, missed chances and important targets – all 22 players on the pitch are going to respond normally based on what’s been occurring during the match. Facial expressions and gestures will let you enjoy the attitudes and feelings of your favorite players.

FIFA 15 – Dynamic Match Presentation

Match Day is vibrant and dynamic– you’ll stay in the moment, immersed in the action on and all around the pitch. Customized behaviors mean distinct crowds with cheers and chants accordinged to their club or nation. As an example, Liverpool fans at Anfield will definitely be significantly different to Boca Juniors’ support in La Bombonera. Iconic arenas look incredibly real and feel fully realized with recognisable fans and unique atmospheres. Our commentators will reflect on just how the fans are reacting, like the Manchester City crowd doing the Poznan and club melodies. Ball boy movements, bench reactions and active LED boards will always keep you in the game.

FIFA 15 – Team Management

FIFA 15 gives you a brand new way to manage your squads and team sheets through all game modes. Customise around six varied Team Sheets per club and change your strategy based on your next opponent, the changing techniques in-game and training of your players. Get your preferred team playing the manner you want them to perform.

Team Sheets are available in Career Mode, Match Day (Kick-Off), Online Friendlies, and Tournaments.fifa-15-match-day-costa


Around five attacking and defending player guidelines are applied to every single of the ten outfield team players. All these instructions let you manage the attacking runs and defensive positions players take on the pitch and offers you deeper customisation alternatives for how your team organizes.


Predetermined formations for any of your custom-made teams and choose the greatest to handle your next opponent.


Set roles like captain, set-piece and penalty takers for each of your squads.


Set a default Team Tactic to each of your Team Sheets so your gameplan is locked before attacking the pitch. Or go deeper and add customized tactics to all of your line-ups. Our all new Team Management layout keeps it easy to go deeper on personalizing your squad.

FIFA 15 – Next Gen Goalkeeper

Goalkeepers have been completely revised for FIFA 15 using over 50 new save animations, boosted AI and a brand-new, practical player model. Our Next Gen goalkeepers are more reactive and smooth when they move and look and think like real-life goalkeepers.

The main changes to goalkeepers are:

Goalkeeper Reactions.

Keepers now read and react to gameplay conditions, adjusting their motions if going in the incorrect direction, and making last-chance saves by reaching back or throwing away a leg. FIFA 15 also brings a new level of realism to the way goalkeepers react to shots that are tough to deal with. Where in the past goalkeepers would catch the majority of balls they touched, you’ll currently see a new selection of authentic deflections and tip animations as keepers try to make a save.

Keeper AI.

Goalkeepers make much better decisions in one-on-ones and when tracking the ball on crosses, corners and through balls towards their box. Keepers in FIFA 15 command their space with more attention and cleverness than before.

Goalies will also read the flight of balls and you’ll observe more variety in how they respond to swerving, dipping or stormy shots.

New Ways to Score.

With keepers more mobile, it unveils new scoring possibilities for attackers. Your adversary recognizes goalkeeper activity and will try shots back across goal, nutmegs or quick shots which in turn will leave no time at all to act in response.

FIFA 15 – Team Tactics

In FIFA 15 your teammates and adversaries now recognize what’s occurring in a game and will readjust their tactics and playing FIFA15_XboxOne_PS4_TeamManagement_Roles_PlayerSelectedstyle to gain the supremacy. Park the Bus, In The Mixer, and Time Wasting– familiar tactics you’ll need to defeat. You’ll also be able to set up your team thinking to Park the Bus to counteract your adversary’s Team Tactics. You’ll see long balls pinged into the box as your AI adversary attempts to get back in the match, or see them going to the corner flag as they try to wind down the clock. Compared with FIFA 14, in which your adversary would want to keep the ball and maybe play cautiously, in FIFA 15 they will attempt riskier attacking runs – this brings you more variety and a more human adversary.

FIFA 15 – Authentic Player Visuals

The Next Generation football team player is right here. In FIFA 15, you’ll see a level of detail in players’ appearances which hasn’t been possible in the past, thanks to an all-new physically-based render lighting system. There will be obvious hair movement and facial reactions. New character models and rigging system means team players feel and look thin, strong and fit. Kits move realistically and modify with the environment, ending up being filthy with mud and grass as the match progresses.

FIFA 15 – Living Pitch

In FIFA 15, shoes are going to leave their mark. Playing surfaces wear down over time and reproduce the battle on the pitch. Footprints, debris and slide tackles are going to all be distinguishable. Corner flags now move! And goal frames shake with incredible hit. Animated LED panels give an even deeper level of realism to matches.

FIFA 15 – Agility & Control and Correct Contacts

In FIFA 15, leave defenders for dust and use the ball such as the world’s best footballers.

Players reposition realistically with athleticism, boosted balance and closer control, providing better cooperation and personality to your favorite idols.

Run Touch Dribbling will allow you to maintain the ball in a sprint or when trying to find an opening in close-touch circumstances. Iconic players like Leo Messi will dribble and move just like they do in real life. The movement of the ball in FIFA 15 changes the game. You’ll see precise spin, curl and flight of the football as it moves realistically right after each contact. Experience real ball physics when dribbling, passing, taking a touch or blocking out a shot.

FIFA 15 – Man-to-Man Battles

In FIFA 15, the struggle for the ball intensifies overall the pitch. Team players are more physical and make use of Possession Tackles to gain the ball and hold it – you are awarded for great positioning and timing. Feel the match with new shoulder barges and major fall physics. T-shirt pulling is also now noticeable with all-new player visuals and improved cloth techniques. You’ll command set pieces. Take control and position off-the-ball teammates during throw-ins, corners and free-kicks so they’re very best placed to receive a pass and create attacking chances.

FIFA 15 – Barclays Premier League Announcement

The highly popular league in the world and in our game is now the most authentic in FIFA 15. All 20 Barclays Premier League fifa-15-anfield-liverpool_2stadiums now feature in FIFA 15. Up from eight stadiums in FIFA 14, Premier League stadiums look, feel and sound as they do in real life. More than 200 new player heads will be browsed into FIFA 15 from the 2013/14 Premier League sports teams and are going to be joined by promoted football clubs. We use the most recent 3D scanning modern technology to capture a player’s true similarity and give them one of the most realistic version of themselves in a football match.

FIFA 15 – Career Mode

One of FIFA’s super popular modes, as managing and finding team players, continues to boost and becomes much more authentic.

fifa-15-career-mode-search-results-Player Growth – FIFA 15 gets a more realistic system for player progress and ability. Highly rated aging players won’t retire as quickly and good potential players grow much faster if you give the opportunity to do so.

– Global Transfer Network – Improved scouts will now instantly identify team disadvantages and suggest replacement players accordinged to the sports team you want to build.

– Intuitive Player Search – A new player search display lets you find players faster and even better matched to your squad. Player names populate as you search.

– Storylines and Presentation – Precise and in-depth analysis about players, team and leagues in the time of the match and throughout the mode as you go forward your career.

Team management

FIFA 15 gives you a brand-new way to manage squads and team sheets across modes including Career Mode.

Customise up to 6 several Team Sheets for each club and alter your strategy based upon your next adversary, the improving tactics in-game and work out of your team players. Get your favorite team playing the way you want them to play.

Our all new Team Management format makes it very easy to go deep on personalizing your team:

– Instructions – Player instructions can be applied to each and every of the 10 outfield team players with numerous options per position – from defensive positioning and mentality to run types and attacking attitude.

– Formations – Preset formations for any of your customized squads and pick the very best one to take on your next adversary.

– Roles – Set roles like captain, set-piece and penalty takers for each and every of your teams.

– Tactics – Set a default Team Tactic to every of your Team Sheets so your gameplan is secured before going to the pitch. Or go further and add customized tactics to all of your line-ups.

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No Man’s Sky & Next Gen Gaming

Hello Games are a distinct type of independent developer different than folks are accustomed to. They didn’t start creating video games to move from conventional development, or to create something unbelievably innovative. They left behind their careers in bigger studios due to a passion to produce something they could beabsolutely proud of.
In contrast to most expanding indies, they established Hello Games not only armed with years of knowledge creating and shipping games, but with an appetite to succeed so that they wouldn’t need to go back to making games for others. This maturity found a rather tiny group launch their debut game Joe Danger across multiple systems, onto mobile phones and into the hearts
of millions.
Lots of people have been wondering – exactly how can a crew of ten programmers possible deliver a video game with the scope of No Man’s Sky? The solution depends on the interest, experience and drive of these ten people.

It’s seldom a game invites the sort of intrigue that No Man’s Sky has. Especially a game that presumably makes use of tried and tested mechanics. No Man’s Sky is a game including space combat, trade and expedition, so comparisons to EVE Valkyrie, Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen can easily be produced. But, what makes No Man’s Sky stand out is the way it differs from conventional mechanics, such as how it shuns traditional questing and player connectivity.
Freedom in video games is a swing between developer and gamer. We know where the limits are, we can see the invisible barriers. But what if those barriers really did not exist? Suppose the designer didn’t communicate to the gamer how to play the game via objectives and missions? What if we had real freedom, to go where we wanted, to teach our own selves concerning the limits of the video game, to fall short?
Hello Games are clearly interested in keeping most of what their game is under covers, but today we unveil some fundamental aspects of No Man’s Sky and give insight into how the game can, and hopefully will, grow over time.
The range of AAA video games development is starting to
reach profane values of craft. While our computers and consoles have become capable of rendering much bigger environments, we’ve also become more demanding
of the detail inside these worlds. This is why there are hundreds of people working on the Assassins’s Creed franchise. Due to the fact that we demand that each and every door is decorated uniquely and each civilian is wearing something different.
Content is costly in games development so the team at Hello Games have had to create a completely new way of creating it. And that method depends on a vast set of interconnected algorithms which are responsible for generating the universe of No Man’s Sky.

As players we know the limits of game worlds. We understand that those mountains are impassable, that your char can’t go for a swim or that your PC could hardly possibly render a city any larger. It doesn’t bother us provided that the confines of that world keep us entertained. However, at a certain time the mini map is complete, the game really feels completed, and you turn off your system.
But suppose that that world could never ever be entirely discovered? What if someplace in the corner of a galaxy, on the edge of the
cosmos, there might be an unusual beast that looks just like Michael Jackson. OK, it’s not likely, but whenever a universe is produced making use of math concepts with relatively arbitrary variables, and it’s inhabited by animals that were summoned from the same, unpredictable method – who’s to say that a group of wild Michael Jacksons aren’t foraging or hunitng someplace in the dark woods of an exotic wasteland?
It is this concept that makes No Man’s Sky such an impressive expectation. Not that the former Secretary of State is a four legged
herbivore, but that there is always some thing fresh and wonderful over the next reach. And that you might be the very first man or woman to see it. No Man’s Sky, a proceduraly-generated space expedition video game, and a timed-exclusive coming to the PS4, looks like a really well-kept game.
It’s also gigantic: It will take a player 5 billion years to take a trip to each of the game’s worlds for merely one second per planet.

But I find the information a little underwhelming. Or, rather, I find the idea of an open-space game only interesting up to a point. The minute I reach that point, I begin to yearnfor framework. Confinement. Corridors. Narrative, even in its barest-boned fashion. A level to punish. A boss. Heck, give me a cut-scene or something — just about anything to make me believe that I’m in a game.

It’s neat in a way, this idea of a game universe so unconstrained you will never discover all of it. We, as a species, could never check out all of it– kind of like our own, ever-expanding universe.
Maybe we ought to merely be content to permit each game be its own thing. But in terms of pure enjoyment, I imagine it deserves spilling a little ink on the subject of open worlds and “amplitude.”.
On one side of the alley we have these kinds of tremendous open-world games just like No Man’s Sky and its over-18-quintillion planets (or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 environments, if you will.) It could as well take forever to check out every little thing.
The game guarantees conflict and hazard, crafting, and so forth. No Man’s Sky will be anything short of brilliant. It appears extraordinary, up until now at least. Imagine a video game about a great big house with tons and lots of bedrooms and crawl-spaces and attic rooms to explore, yet no real treasure troves to discover.

For more articles about cool games check out our blog.