Technology makes your life easier

Each year, millions of new users practice software for the 1st time. Thanks to the extending world wide web, smartphones and user-friendly devices, millions of users are touching and using software for the very first time. On the other hand, current users of software are accommodating software in methods that generate them in fact, more reliable (performance software, home supervising software) and raising the awareness about themselves that is improving their quality of life.

While developing people’s lives, software might also cause dependency. There may be a day soon where individuals can not live without software assist. We cannot say that people are dependent on technology, because they use their technology and gadgets for lots of useful things such as keeping up with news, emailing people for connecting and working, and having a complete officework every day. Also technology can be represented by many other things. For example cars and planes are also technology but we don’t say that we are dependent on it.i_love_google

Nowadays when anyone wants to know something, their brain instantly jumps to Google. Communication keeps us in contact with everyone around the world. Without it society would have some serious problems to deal with. Even with all that, with a good mental training, one can rely on technology and also still retain good mental health. It depends on how aware you are of your actions.gadgets_sf1

When software operates, turns on, completes what it is supposed to do, is precise and very useful, is easy to learn and adapts to user context, it is a pleasure to use.

TESSERACT wants to make your life easier by developing software and constantly being aware of technological information.

Have you ever been curious to see where all your online data goes?

   Here we present you some pictures of the most important internet data centers arround the world.

   As you may know, a data center is constantly used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression) and various security devices. Imagine that Internet data centres are industrial scale operations using as much electricity as a small town.

google data centre 2

Google Data Center

   A data center will occupy one area of a building, one or many floors, or an entire building. Communications in datacenters nowadays are most frequently supported networks running the IP protocol suite. Data centers contain a group of routers and switches that transport traffic between the servers and to the outside world.

microsoft data centre

Microsoft Data Center


   Some of the servers at the data center are used for running the essential internet and intranet services required by internal users within the organization, e.g., e-mail servers, proxy servers, and DNS servers.

   The main purpose of a data center is running the applications that handle the core business and operational data of the organization.

Facebook Data Center

Facebook Data Center

   The boom of data centers came throughout the dot-com bubble. Corporations required quick connectivity property and non-stop operation to deploy systems and establish a presence on the net. Putting in such instrumentation wasn’t viable for several smaller corporations. Some corporations started building terribly massive facilities, known as web data centers, which give businesses with a spread of solutions for systems preparation and operation.

   As far as we can see the internet is essential for your business to grow. Exceptional business need exceptional websites to create exceptional experiences. TESSERACT is the utmost IT Company located in Bucharest, Romania, constantly dreaming technological inovation, and constantly making dreams become reality.

These images are courtesy of: Sciencegeek100