Pinterest Messaging Shows up, Deliver Private Messages With Other Pinterest Users

2537f2850d3b920bf5afb32cfe68c42d Pinterest pointed out in a statement that over two million pins are sent out daily. In an effort to get more conversations started about all those pins, Pinterest is introducing Pinterest Messaging.

Currently when someone sends you a pin you will be able to respond with a message, or send out that person a pin back.

Here’s a video clip demonstrating how it operates:

Additionally, Pinterest has even added the option to send pins and messages to groups of people. In case you’re organizing a camping trip with friends and colleagues, as an example, you can easily send out pins and messages to the whole group with suggestions of locations to go and foods to prepare etc. You are going to be able to view your messaging record in your notifications.

Below’s a short video showing exactly what you can possibly do with Pinterest’s group messaging:

Pinterest Messages works on the pc, but the practice is a little difficult. On desktop, you will not actually find out you received a message until you get the email notice. Then once you get the email you need to go to the website to reply to the message. Unless you hold Pinterest open often, you’re going to end up missing a lot of messages on desktop.

There’s a bunch of potential with Pinterest Messages, it could be very useful for creative groups working together on a project.